QUEEN ILISE is a Los Angeles-based singer and songwriter who soulfully shares her message of love and transformation. Her music is influenced by the sounds of Anita Baker, Toni Braxton, Mary J. Blige, and Amel Larrieux. This former math teacher and Brooklyn native has performed at venues like BB King's, Basquiat’s Bottle, Blue Note, The Bitter End, Le Bataclan, and Los Globos. Her debut album, Breakthrough, chronicles her journey freeing herself from a toxic relationship to find peace and empowerment on the other side. She is featured in the film Used and Borrowed Time, performing her songs I Found You and Cloud 9. Her song The Remedy appears in the award-winning indie film Aligned, which recently premiered at the Brooklyn Film Festival. You can find her speaking about her journey as an artist, and integrating her experience as a yoga instructor and life coach into her work on episodes of The Poet Podcast and VibeTalk Awaken. QUEEN ILISE is featured on Sir Isaac’s song Losing You and will be releasing the soulful R&B duet, Breath Away, this July with Detroit native Sam Watson. She will also be venturing into house music on her upcoming releases.

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